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Woman with Bible

A Christian Education that helps you to fulfill the great Matthew 28 commission given to the disciples.

v. 18. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

v. 19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

v. 20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

The Church of Christ Bible Institute offers a three-year program leading to the Diploma. Because a firm foundation in the Bible is essential to meaningful Christian service, our Institute’s program is firmly rooted in the word of God. All students, whatever their area of specialization, major in the Bible. Each student will take a minimum of (36) credits in the Bible, studying the various books of the Old and New Testaments. Along with the Bible major, two minors provide specialized preparation for students entering the ministry as Pastors, Associate Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, Missionaries and leaders in the various areas of church life.


Curricula & Program

Church Interior


This program is designed to prepare the student for Christian ministry. Pastors, Evangelists, Associate Ministers, and those professing a call of God, will receive training in basic counseling, worship leadership, the preparation and delivery of sermons, and all other areas of ministerial service.

(Required subjects)

  • The Pastoral Epistles - 3 Credits

  • Hermeneutics - 3 Credits

  • Counseling I & II - 6 Credits

  • Worship in the Scriptures - 3 Credits

  • Pastoral Theology I & II - 6 Credits

  • Church Administration - 3 Credits

  • Apologetics - 3 Credits

  • Homiletics - 3 Credits

  • Systematic Theology I & II - 6 Credits

Total Course Credits = 36

Image by Corey Young


Along with the heavy emphasis on the Bible, the student will be taught how to organize and administer a Christian education department, and teach in a church Christian school. This will be accomplished through taking a variety of subjects that focus on teaching, its history, methods and materials. Students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in class.

(Required subjects)

  • Teaching Techniques - 3 Credits

  • Sunday School - 3 Credits

  • Worship in the Scriptures - 3 Credits

  • Church Educational Ministry - 3 Credits

  • Vacation Bible School - 3 Credits

  • Evangelize through Christian Education - 3 Credits

  • History of Christian Education I & II - 3 Credits

  • Understanding People - 3 Credits

  • Teaching With Confidence - 3 Credits

  • History of the English Bible - 3 Credits

Total Course Credits = 30

Image by Sheri Hooley


Evangelical Training Association

  1. The Foundational Church Ministries Certificate   

  2. The Standard Church Ministries Certificate   

  3. The Advanced Church Ministries Certificate   

Church of Christ Bible Institute Certificates

  1. Preliminary Christian Workers Certificate

  2. Ministerial Training Certificate

  3. Leadership Training Certificate

  4. Missionary Training Certificate

  5. Christian Worker Certificate

  6. Advanced Christian Worker Certificate

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