Missionary Gladys Leonard
CCBI Student
I have been very blessed to C.C.B.I.). I firmly believe that all the students and alumni who have been exposed to the teachings at the C.C.B.I. can affirm that we have received a formidable and priceless foundation in the Word of God. As Christian workers we need to adhere to Apostle Paul’s exhortation to Timothy, his son in the Gospel in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
The Church of Christ Bible Institute has played a pivotal role in preparing me to work as a missionary-teacher on the foreign field. The school takes a broad-spectrum approach to expose its students to courses in biblical principles and everyday practical living experiences. C.C.B.I. offers several certificate programs, Bachelor of Religious Education (B.R.E.) and Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) degrees. After receiving the B.R.E. and B.Th., I continue to register for courses that enrich my life and enable me to be a blessing to others. Thank you to Dean Wright, faculty, and staff for upholding a standard of excellence at C.C.B.I.

Mr. Richard Buckley
CCBI Student
The Church of Christ Bible Institute (CCBI) has been my teacher since 2003, when I enrolled with Mother Faye Wright for three classes. I had one disappointment though: I had to move out of the state, and therefore, had to drop the classes. My re-entry to the Bible Institute, in Fall 2014, was quite possibly the highlight of the decade, and I found ways to coordinate my work schedule with my Christian Education. The instructors were knowledgeable, passionate, Spirit-filled Born-Again disciples of Jesus Christ who are apt to teach the Word of God. Each class session began and ended with prayer, and the students were also eager to contribute. As my schedule permits, I plan to continue taking classes, even after I get the degree in Teaching and the certificate in Ministry.

Ms. Kathy McWhite
CCBI Student
My experience at Church of Christ Bible Institute, has been spiritually enlightening. The classes I’ve attended, has given me the intellectual tools to research scripture, solidifying personal understanding of church doctrine and having the opportunity to fellowship with other sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ. I highly recommend Church of Christ Bible Institute for those direly seeking to fortify their connection and growth in their Christian journey.

Ms. Francis Armand
CCBI Student
“Attending the Church of Christ Bible Institute was the best decision that I made. The Institute offers various classes that can equip you for ministry and your personal walk with Christ. I was able to develop friendships with like-minded individuals and meet people from other denominations. I highly recommend C.C.B.I. to anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible and want to grow in ministry. The classes will empower you to be an effective witness"

Ms. Lisa Byrd
CCBI Student
When I enrolled in The Church of Christ Bible Institute, I knew the Lord. I was truly thankful for the teaching of the Apostolic doctrine. Thank God that Greater Refuge Temple Church still holds on to the teachings of the Apostles. I have been spiritually enriched by the teachings and discipline of the Church of Christ Bible Institute. My first teacher was Brother Bunyan. He was very learned in the Word of God with patience and understanding. Brother Bunyan taught Old Testament Survey. In the beginning God and Old Testament Scriptures. As it is written In Saint John 1:1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In Saint John 1:14 Says And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. I've learned that Jesus Christ is God. Brother Bunyan taught us the six dispensations that has been enforced. We are in the six dispensation the dispensation of Grace. There is only one dispensation left the dispensation of the fullness of time. All prophecy will be fulfilled ( Ephesians 1:10).
The Church of Christ Bible Institute has inspired me to study the Word of God. As we see the world today churches are teaching theology and psychology. We are privileged to have the Word of God as it is written. Thank God for R.C. Lawson that started this church one hundred years ago. Amen.